Posts tagged ‘art and science’


February 12th, 2021

It is the moment of the cooperative learning; the concern is the learning process, but come back toward a social interaction. The content is worked inside of a context, the emphasis is given to the collective; the participation social politics and, to the citizenship. The implantation of new technologies of support to the education is […]


November 17th, 2020

Today the Paran, the biggest ucraniana colony in Brazil, and also with the contribution of other peoples of the European east, had contributed very and with the local feeding bringing typical plates of its native culinria. This alimentary culture enriches our state providing new knowledge examples plates as borscht, holuletsi (leaf of cabbage stuffed with […]

Water Conservation

August 1st, 2020

Freatfitas? What they are freatfitas? They are plants that use the water of the fretico sheet. The freatfita term drift of the junction of the term ‘ ‘ fito’ ‘ , that it wants to say plant, with the term ‘ ‘ fretico’ ‘ that it make reference to reference the underground water. To use […]

Microbiologically Samples

July 23rd, 2020

In accordance with Balbani and Butugan (2001), some of the problems that can lead to the milk contamination and derivatives, are the farms in precarious conditions of hygiene and fail in the refrigeration. Between some parameters that determine the quality of the foods, most important they are those that define its microbiological characteristics, supplying information […]

German Frequency

July 22nd, 2020

IT KNOWS WHY the TIME MORE IS SPED UP In the day of my anniversary, thinking about the life, I evidenced an impressive thing: daqui the 17 years, living creature or deceased, I will be completing eighty years of age. I started there to remember good facts of my infancy and bad moments of my […]

Sodr Research

January 1st, 2018

Fashion, creation, symbols, geometry and its effect will be treated concepts involving. Working through research one it forms to favor a segment of the feminine fashion with more comfortable clothes, compromised with the forms, in a process of creation very elaborated and with differentiated techniques. Chapter I presents the development of a research of reference […]


September 28th, 2017

For moreover, some types of staple fibres exist: the staple fibres of colagno, most abundant and that they meet in parallel to the cutaneous surface; the elastic staple fibres, that have the capacity of if distenderem and immediately to recoup its previous dimensions; e, finally, the reticular staple fibres, finest, that form one septo with […]

The Scientific

February 10th, 2017

Through the experiences the pupils perceive a ressignificao of the content. a proven time what it is being studied is perpetuated, started to be valid, starts to be part and an incorporated time the psychological structure, never is forgotten, is as to walk of bicycle? later that it is learned, can take years without walking […]

So far the astrophysics offer three theories on the origin of the Universe. The main one of them is the theory of Big-Bang. All the theory of the Astrophysics that refer to the origin of the Universe, starts from the gaseous state of the primitive substance. However, the substance passed for millions of evolutivas phases […]