International Association

May 19th, 2021

If two young blind people from Australia can do it, others have then what excuse? PDF is a great format for different applications, but we are of the opinion that a better equivalent access to PDF with PDF/UA is feasible.” About the project NVDA goes PDF/UA is an initiative of the Association of the PDF. […]

Look forward to the huge exhibition, parallel to the ‘ Gallery weekend Berlin still participation opportunities for artists and artist groups! If 50 galleries invite the audience to the Gallery weekend from April 27, April 29, 2012 with different kind of tours and exhibition openings, the BAGL SPRINGtime 2012 it with BBs parallel selection of […]

Berlin Monuments

May 3rd, 2021

The heritage days a Berlin cordially invites, 08.09.10; Many gates and doors of historical sites and monuments open nationwide again on September 12. The heritage days invites you to take a look at hidden. Also historical places which are not otherwise released to visit, can be visited. Expert guides inform, arouse interest and explain the […]

The switching time GmbH transfers its virtual Conference Center at the Berlin community of second life Berlin. The ComMeta Convention Center receives a new location in second life on April 28, 2009. The virtual Conference Centre is now directly on the lively virtuellen Alexanderplatz in newBERLIN, a scale replica of the city of Berlin in […]

Parkinson Disease

May 2nd, 2021

On the difficult fate of many Parkinson’s patients wanted to make Tom Isaacs 2002 with his one-year trek around the entire coast of Britain’s attention. Darmstadt, 13 October 2009 on the difficult fate of many Parkinson’s patients wanted to Tom Isaacs 2002 with his one-year trek around the entire coast of Britain’s attention. He then […]