If two young blind people from Australia can do it, others have then what excuse? PDF is a great format for different applications, but we are of the opinion that a better equivalent access to PDF with PDF/UA is feasible.” About the project NVDA goes PDF/UA is an initiative of the Association of the PDF. […]
Posts tagged ‘it’
International Association
CRM Xact
The methods aimed in particular at three critical core activities: 1) the differentiated requirements analysis is a great attention. Companies are usually limited to a relatively coarse specification to determine discrepancies between the CRM software and her own needs later in the implementation. “Using the method xact.be.aware” the consulting company helping the Department and the […]
Federal Network Agency
UMTS/GSM-live network of Nash Technologies enables comprehensive tests for telecommunications manufacturers and operators Nuremberg, November 2009 – can the successor to UMTS long term evolution (LTE) in closing the broadband gaps in Germany help? This question is currently driving to the experts. Nevertheless, many companies prepare for the new standard. For example, the Nurnberger Nash […]
Increasing Flood Of Information Why Of Less Sometimes Is More
More and more people are stressed out by the flood of information that comes to them in more ways. In addition to personal organization, the employers can relieve its employees. Starnberg, December 02, 2010. The reports of mental health problems among workers increased significantly in the last two years. Reasons of psychological pressure, a component […]
Timecontrolled Run Programs
Time-controlled run programs with Aborange Scheduler 2.50 at everyday work on the PC in addition to the activities for the “actually” putting him regularly unproductive but nevertheless very important tasks (E.g. write emails, word processing, data management, image editing), are. Examples include the creation of backups, performing Virenscanns, disk scans, defragmenting the hard drive or […]
Spain Trojan
The attack is usually running by dangerous or compromising Web pages or e-mail messages in HTML format, because the Outlook mail client is also vulnerable. Its only purpose is to download malware to the infected computer and run. Once belonged to the FakeAntivirus Trojan to the top malware in November, it is important that computer […]
Cristie Data Products GmbH And Data Domain Enter Cooperation Agreement
Specialist for storage solutions makes products of the leading manufacturer of deduplication storage systems in the range on NIEDERNBERG, November 3, 2008 – Cristie data products GmbH and data domain now signed a cooperation agreement and thus laid the foundations for future cooperation. The partnership allows the its existing range of services for nearly 40 […]
The Computer
The “Desktop interface has been developed along the lines of the Office desk: sitting at a table with files, and there are drawers and folders in which to place them off”, runs the American specialist in artificial intelligence. So you worked 80 years ago. In the 1970s, this system has simply transferred to the computer. […]
The Partial
They are located about a quarter of the implementation costs, particularly through the human needs that required a team of four to five employees in IT organizations from corporations. Also in principle possible outsourcing these tasks will cost money. Because these consequences of implementation are not sufficiently taken into account and included in the business […]
Flat Tax
With the aim to optimise their customer service to the top issue “Flat tax”, the Cooperative Bank of Unterallgau, Mindelheim, has decided akwiso.finanz for the use of Internet-based contact management. Dietmannsried, January 14, 2008: Now 50 customer service representative of the southern financial institution for customer support on the contact database from akwiso to access. […]