Scientology International

May 29th, 2016

Shipping system is fully automated and is able to deal with 150 thousand pieces every eight hours. Full line of shipments is capable of sending more than 500,000 boxes and other objects loose a week. The Center, also includes facilities for the manufacture of uniforms of gear (t-shirts, caps, jackets, polos, pins, etc) for the […]

Just for Carnival muffle it looks sometimes so that the fifth season means only one thing: sing celebrate alcohol. Berlin, 05 February 2013: Just for Carnival muffle it sometimes seems that the fifth season means only one thing: sing celebrate alcohol. Meetings, street processions and Kneipenbesuche belong to the tradition. For many revellers, alcohol is […]

He was attending the outpatient in the maternity ward, in an afternoon, so many evenings that there he attended, from 2 to 5 pm, then going to the Centre of ultrasound Natalie del Pilar, a patient into labor, is suddenly admitted but the nurse instantly yelled desperate Expulsive, Expulsive Doctor Doctor!, before both cry, I […]

AIDS: Ethics

May 17th, 2016

ETHICS AND the PROFESSIONAL OF HEALTH x CARRYING WOMEN OF AIDS OLIVEIRA. A.S. MOURA. T.G. PICO. V.S. Summary: The ethics have origin of the Greek thos (way of being), have as primordial concern the study of the voluntary facts of the man, acts these that are practised acquired knowledge after, also counting on analysis and […]