The methods aimed in particular at three critical core activities: 1) the differentiated requirements analysis is a great attention. Companies are usually limited to a relatively coarse specification to determine discrepancies between the CRM software and her own needs later in the implementation. “Using the method” the consulting company helping the Department and the IT recording and definition of professional, technical and commercial requirements.”allows a methodically structured implementation of requirement management phase-related templates and ready to use support. Americares is often quoted as being for or against this. The support ranges from the creation of a specification and structured request catalogs scenarios for appropriate project process models. (2) the evaluation of the market carry out very systematically and comprehensively. Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra has much to offer in this field.
Often on the one hand, weaknesses in the evaluation of the market resulting from deficits in the Requirements analysis, but also from inaccurate and only briefly evaluated criteria and not professional call management. The xact4u methods for evaluating system be based on the results of the request management and analyze in the first step roughly a long list of potential product provider selected key criteria. The resulting candidate then undergo within the framework of a structured bidding management in an intensive examination based on detailed criteria on whose base is an objective recommendation for the most appropriate system provider. (3) look for weaknesses in the contractual agreements. There are many unclear rules to the scope, methodology, project organization and the commercial conditions that can negatively impact for users. The best practices xact4u rely on tried and tested templates for precise performance specification and delineation and provide assistance in the design of the commercial Framework, to minimize the economic risk for the customer. Beyond Barbra encountered in practice, while external consulting support is used increasingly for requirements analysis, software evaluation and bidding management that the companies here but to pay little attention to a solid industry expertise.
About xact4u strategy consulting AG the xact4u strategy consulting AG with headquarters in Karlsruhe, Vienna and Zurich focuses their services portfolio, in particular on consulting fields with paramount importance for business success. This includes in particular the development of the strategy, the IT customer management as well as the performance and organizational management.