The Computer

Posted February 8th, 2021 by Suzy

The “Desktop interface has been developed along the lines of the Office desk: sitting at a table with files, and there are drawers and folders in which to place them off”, runs the American specialist in artificial intelligence. So you worked 80 years ago. In the 1970s, this system has simply transferred to the computer. You follow this no longer contemporary logic she no longer corresponds to the function of computers. A desk is passive, the computer is active – it can label documents yourself, search and map. The idea that we should give each document a name, is simply laughable. If you have three dogs, that makes sense.

You have 10,000 sheep, but it’s madness”, a criticism. Rebetzky looks similar to this. Then you geizte still with bits and bytes – a 10 MB hard drive cost several thousand euros. Thus came the development of the file name that is a very canonical development. Today, there are already systems that work in workflows and Timeflows. Systems that allow metadata full text-oriented search mechanisms based on fuzzy pattern even for the part. We must use only. And that requires time, the traditional users will search the first time in the known folders”, Rebetzky, CIO of the technology manufacturer Bizerba believes.

A structured developed a software, the information in a completely new way. Any document he wants to arrange in a timeline – a lifestream”. Information is structured time instead of space in folders. So corresponds to the arrangement of information by life’s events. Our first document is the electronic birth certificate, and each document, which moreover, is arranged chronologically to the present. It doesn’t matter whether it’s E-mail, photos, MP3s or the design of a book chapter everything is just thrown into the lifestream”, explains a. You must call then more named files, since they own network according to content, keywords, location and time.

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