Establishment of companies in tax havens: questions of design strategies for incorporation in the Swiss offshore company formation: basically you must design strategies for offshore company gruendungen (tax havens, zero tax countries) in the context of starting new companies abroad between incorporations in the EU, DBA facts (State of residence of the foreign company has […]

Victor Gunin

June 27th, 2016

What is responsibility? What is included? When will the answer? Nobody knows! "Completes a round table discussion about what can be done to simplify and accelerate the clearance mechanisms of permits. Victor Gunin, Inc. 'Mechanics of growth of Leasing' said little interest in promoting the project officials: "The administration regular officer sits, and he was […]

Cares Direct Group

June 22nd, 2016

The right group is strong for people needing help. Hamburg, 13.12.2013 – which directly group is strong for people needing help: with a donation totaling 8,000 euro the Hamburger IT – and marketing group the work of action light looks e.V., anchor land e.V., and Foundation Hospice Star Bridge supports. Employees chose the three institutions […]

Recycling Toner Cartridge

June 20th, 2016

Regardless of whether you are printing every day or only occasionally, you need to know how to safely dispose of used toner cartridges. Used cartridges contain residues of dye that can be dangerous, not to mention the fact that they have the unpleasant property of all dirty. It is therefore important to immediately get rid […]

National Ambient

June 8th, 2016

Through daelaborao the risk map it was allowed them to trabalhadoresvislumbrarem the multifactorial nature of the risk, as well as, estmulo improves constant of the trabalho.PALAVRAS-KEY environment Map of risk, health of the worker, factors of risk, collective health, ambient risks. INTRODUCTION the dotrabalhador subject health has been recurrent in the studies, research and interventions […]