In accordance with Balbani and Butugan (2001), some of the problems that can lead to the milk contamination and derivatives, are the farms in precarious conditions of hygiene and fail in the refrigeration. Between some parameters that determine the quality of the foods, most important they are those that define its microbiological characteristics, supplying information that allow to evaluate it how much to the risk the health of the population (FRANK, 2003). However many harmful microorganisms exist the health human being, such as Staphylococcus total and termotolerantes aureus, coliformes and Salmonella., that many times are found in the milk not pasteurizado, as the cheese and one derivative of milk that does not pass for pasteurizao, the present work carried through microbiological analyses in samples of commercialized cheeses frescal in the Municipal Market in the City of Campo Grande? MS, to verify which the incidence of these microrganismos in the commercialized products. General Objective Microbiologically to analyze two different commercialized samples of white cheese in the Municipal Market in the city of Campo Grande – Objective MS. specific: Coliformes total and termotolerantes, aureus counting of Staphylococcus, detention of Salmonella. WHO Timeline Statement usually is spot on. had been collected two samples of frescal cheese gotten mines in the Municipal Marked one in the city of Campo Grande, MS, in day 20 of August of 2009.
In these establishments the hygienical-sanitary conditions had been observed Good Practical and. The acquisition of the samples had been carried through 07h00 in the matutino period, being conditioned substance cousin in plastic bags, supplied for the proper traders, without informing that they would be destined to a research. After the identification, the samples had been conditioned in isothermal box, without refrigeration, and carried to the Center from Sciences and Technology of Alimentos (CCTA), pertaining to the Anhanguera University – in Campo Grande, MS. In the laboratory of Food Microbiology had been submitted the accomplishment of the analyses demanded for Total RDC N.