
Posted September 28th, 2017 by Suzy

For moreover, some types of staple fibres exist: the staple fibres of colagno, most abundant and that they meet in parallel to the cutaneous surface; the elastic staple fibres, that have the capacity of if distenderem and immediately to recoup its previous dimensions; e, finally, the reticular staple fibres, finest, that form one septo with the appearance of a net. He is derme that it receives the glands sudorparas, the sebceas glands and the pilosos folculos and is through it that they circulate the sanguineous vases that nourish the superficial cells of the skin and responsible nervous staple fibres for cutaneous sensitivity. HIPODERME hipoderme is the layer deepest of the skin, although to have very little definite limits with derme and of being composed for common elements. The thickness of hipoderme varies of person for also in agreement person and some regions of the body, since this layer is sufficiently thick in some areas as the sole of the feet and practically inexistent in others, as for example in eyelids. The main components of hipoderme are the adipcitos, cells specialized in the synthesis and accumulation of fats. They constitute the main reserve of energy of the organism, meet grouped in small separate lobes between itself for fine septos of fabric conjunctive through which they circulate the sanguineous vases and nervous staple fibres.

Adaptation of the text of the site below: Had access day 22 of January of 2011 the deep layer is hipoderme, that is, the fat, responsible, among others things, for assisting in the maintenance of the body temperature. It still has some attached agencies, as folculos pilosos, glands sudorparas and sebceas and nails. By queratinizadas are constituted by epidrmicas cells, deceased compact. In the base of the nail or the one it has for it cells that they are multiplied constantly, pushing the cells oldest for top. These, when accumulating queratina, die and if they compactam, originating the nail or for.

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