It is the moment of the cooperative learning; the concern is the learning process, but come back toward a social interaction. The content is worked inside of a context, the emphasis is given to the collective; the participation social politics and, to the citizenship. The implantation of new technologies of support to the education is to make with that the pupil has interest and motivation to search the information desired, thus transforming the paradigm traditional of the education. (MAGELA, 2008) LEVY (1999, P. 28) ' ' It is an intelligence distributed for all part, incessantly valued, co-ordinated in real time, that results in a mobilization accomplishes of competncias.' ' That is, the construction of the knowledge equally passes to be attributed to the groups that interact in the space of knowing.
Nobody has the ownership of knowing, the people always knows something, they become what them important when together, thus making a species of? collective intelligence. The interesting one would be if the school, as one all passed for these moments, however what if it perceives today is that the maiorias of the schools are at as the moment. Perhaps due to a pedagogical project, of the support of a person who exerts the function of a coordinator of Computer science, or better, of a will politics, this is the truth! The computer as resource of learning to carry through its work, the professor made use, until a time behind, of some didactic resources as the picture-of-chalk and other half audiovisuais. Already it was imagined in the use to insert the computer in the schools, but this age as a dream, almost a scene of scientific fiction. Nowadays, the use of the computers in the pedagogical process is a reality and at the same time a conquest. Its job if does not limit in only some schools, and yes in such a way, in particular, as in public.