Araatuba, SP- the Legion of the Good will is one of the entities duly registered in cadastre being able to receive the donations that are repassed by the FMDCA (Deep Municipal theatre of the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent), that in Araatuba it is managed by the COMDICA (City council of the rights […]
Posts tagged ‘society and culture’
All the tragedies in Brazil have one same origin. They result of the same sources: corruption, impunity, indifference, disrespect, demobilization, ignorance, great power, arrogance, disinterest, descompromisso, individualism, ambition, amongst others as much coirms. None is not necessary commission so that if it finds the cause of the landslide of the building in the fatdica night […]
Edson Silva
I believe that nothing, except for our infantile imagination. With the twelve years, in 74, I compared the speed of ‘ ‘ Marine Lemo’ ‘ its long hair, to the style of the superhero Thor, to the one of the proper God of the thunder of the magazines and livened up drawings. I badly wise […]
The auctions of cents are one formulate innovative to become purchases in the Internet in amused way. This modality was invented in Germany has some years and, more recently, it also turned fashion in Brazil. The functioning mechanism is very simple: in the hour where the auction starts, a timer initiates a countdown (that he […]
Brazilian Goals
It was in the Pantry of 38, in the France, that shone the name of one of first great craques Brazilian: Lenidas Da Silva, who had acted in 34 and made the only Brazilian goal, in only left the Brazilian one of that world-wide one, the defeat for 3×1 for Spain. In the estreia, in […]