Posts tagged ‘business services’

Trading Apartments

October 5th, 2019

You can generally return to the practice of distributing apartments for free, as was the case in previous pre-capitalist times. True, I would like to recall that at one time Moscow authorities have also announced ceiling figures on the Moscow real estate and then in Moscow real estate market in general rose. It turns out […]

The activities of any reasonably large company is impossible without organized from time to time business events. This may be a formal event – a conference or round table presentation, seminar, training or workshop, exhibition or a forum. These activities are focused primarily on the external environment – partners and customers, existing and potential. The […]

Russian Institute

October 4th, 2019

– iso 9000 mandatory condition for receiving state and municipal procurement. Currently, the iso 9000 certification is increasingly required and participation in tenders and contracts for the construction of many commercial organizations. Demand for iso 9000 certificate for the last year has increased by more than 50%, which is supported by the Russian Institute of […]

Tax Audit

May 22nd, 2017

– One of the most popular of audit services to date. External auditing of taxes – check fees and the calculation of taxes, for strict compliance legislation. Tax audit is not necessarily cover all activities of the enterprise or of all taxes. For example, the audit tax returns can be held local tax audit income […]