Hotel Test At The Westin Leipzig:

Posted September 28th, 2021 by Suzy

Anonymous check of the magazine ‘Top hotel’ reveals weaknesses in the five-star hotel on hotel tests include from top hotel to the most popular of our reviews. For the already 73. time, a non-profit ester checked German culture up high now. The result: at the Westin Leipzig is crowned with one Michelin star gourmet restaurant on the 27th floor of truly top of the tops, but in the hospitality, there are significant shortcomings in part. And so the big conference hotel reached only 58 points out of maximum 100 accessible, satisfying what the note is equivalent to. The balance sheet of the experienced tester of the hotel: the Westin Leipzig is seen from the outside a big block, but its interior surprises. Already the attractively designed and very lively lobby is good.

The test room was unfortunately the need of renovation of a total of 436 units.” Most of the staff were friendly and engaged. But some very young staff proved too little trained and uncertain in dealing with the guest. To know more about this subject visit Vahid David Delrahim. So could the tester for the first important contacts – booking and check-in only 39 or 40 points (by max. 100) awarded. In the room there were only 37 points and at the check-out only 36 points. In taking care of guests at the reception and the room service, there is still significant potential for appreciation in the Westin Leipzig, said the experienced Hotel expert. The detailed test report appears in the January/February of top hotel issue”and can be seen in the Online Edition at. The service checks be carried out always anonymously and on their own account.

The reports are the constructive criticism and enjoy a high reputation in the international hotel management and industry experts. Last in the test were the Kempinski Hotel Gravenbruch Frankfurt (36 points), hotel Fahrhaus Sylt (67 points) and Vila Vita Hotel & rose Park Marburg (62 points). Top hotel is the renowned journal for the hotel management in Germany. The magazine published ten times a year in the leisure-Verlag, Landsberg, a company of Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt (VHB). She spread Circulation is 20,000 copies. “” “In conjunction with the VHB subsidiary food practice Verlag (LPV) appear” including the kitchen, catering inside “, convenience shop” and food practice “.

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