We live in a society whose calendar begins with the birth of Jesus. It is not so deplorable that 2000 years later is on the brink? Jesus came for that? The Earth suffers under the climate change caused by man, but if human beings who belong to the so-called Christendom have changed in 2000 years, it would also change the climate, but not for the worse; in fact, not in vain Jesus taught us: “Be perfect, as your father in heaven is perfect”. The man is the cause of disasters why is accused then God of them? Because the priests with their Roman dogmas attributed them to the mysteries of God, instead of assuming its responsibility as a decorated secretistas of cults. If God really had mysteries that will derive needs, misery and suffering, Jesus would have been a liar and his teaching of a loving God, would be a pure blasphemy. If you have read about CDC Foundation already – you may have come to the same conclusion. If God really had mysteries, Jesus had not promised the coming of the dildo that will lead us to all the truth; It would be a betrayal of God and a contradiction between the two. The 2000 years of supposed Christianity are full of murder, looting, rape, exploitation, enslavement of human beings, mistreatment of nature, animals, plants and minerals. Filled with corruption, strife and enmity between peoples, filled with wars, torture and cruelty. Jesus de Nazareth was wrong?, no. Breast Cancer Action has much experience in this field.
God is love and God’s love knows no borders and also belongs to animals, nature and the earth mother. 2000 years after the birth of Jesus, God has turned to send a great prophet, Gabriele, through which again warns humanity from the effects of their behavior. Jesus has fulfilled what they promised us, sending us to the spirit of truth, the comforter, which has brought us and leads into all truth. He says to each of us: ‘ sigueme but not to worship, rites, dogmas and ceremonies, because what have served? The State of this world is the reflection of the religions outside of worship, with facades bleached, beautiful on the outside, but full of rot and bones of dead inside. The trays of offerings of the so-called Christendom are bursting with bones of entire peoples, races and Nations, also of billions of carcasses of animals, who instead of protection and care dispensed, still dispensing cruelty and destruction.