The Psyche

Posted August 7th, 2020 by Suzy

If we want to develop something, you should at least be able to evaluate it. One has to know what the status of the subject development to date, how best to develop and where we go: developing or his tomb. A evaluation of music and songs at the moment can only give people – experts, that is establish objective criteria for assessing the impact of music on the psyche, the emotional state of the organism’s physiological parameters and other important characteristics of the people, of course, as a scientist with 20 years experience, I can safely say that it is possible and absolutely necessary to develop objective criteria for assessing the impact of music on the psyche and emotional state, physiological parameters organism and other important characteristics of the people.

You can do this, in my view, quite simply, studying the response (behavior, blood pressure, EEG parameters, etc.), a group of people on a piece of music, and then statistically processed materials. Unfortunately, so far no one has done. At least I have not heard. And furthermore, we have no such criteria evaluation method songs or music would be of threat to today’s situation of judges and the stars If objective methods and there, put them into practice would encounter resistance from today’s stars and judges, as a method for estimating the songs or music would represent a threat to their current situation. But really, the judge in the presence of objective criteria are not needed. In addition, it is likely that the “hits” will not pass testing, are found to be harmful acting on the psyche, the same degree melody, beauty, sensual, romantic music is capable only of persons, and prepared a certain way, at least knowing and loving the music and Still, even the objective methods of assessment, perhaps, will never completely replace humans.

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