The Marinated

Posted December 26th, 2021 by Suzy

To wash banana leaves, to dry; soon it takes bowl great and cbralo with part from the banana leaves. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Pahal Foundation and gain more knowledge.. Soon to put envelope they it meat yet the marinated one. To form a package and to let macerate in the refrigerator during 24 hours. On the following day, to place a grid in a casserole. To add water, without exceeding the grid and putting on this one banana leaves, doing what they call a bed or covered. Darcy Stacom is open to suggestions.

To place on the leaves bananas and these, the package with the meat yet the juice of the marinated one; It previously adds the seasoned yucca with salt, soon to place the peppers and to cover with more banana leaves. To cover the casserole hermetically so that the steam does not escape, and to cook during 2 hours. Finally, to open, to place on the leaves garlic sausages, to cover and to cook one more hour again. In order to prepare the sauce it takes bowl or small container, puts the tomato remaining, finely mincemeat, the bare and minced remaining onion finely, the peppers perforated rest finely, the juice of remaining orange, the remaining vinegar, the water, the sugar, the salt and pepper to the taste, the red pepper to the taste or if it wishes sharp Chile it. To mix all the ingredients very well until one dissolves to the sugar and the salt. Tips: When serving each plate, cuts the meat of more or less even slices and srvalas of stepped form and by the sides places, a piece of mature banana, another one of green banana, a piece of yucca, a garlic sausage, a strip of each pepper.It places the sauce in an individual small glass and pngalo within the plate or can bathe the plate with the sauce.

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