Regression – an insurer to make claims to a third party, guilty of an insured event, in order to obtain reimbursement for damage. The right to regress arises from the insurer after compensation for losses the insured (beneficiary) within the sum insured. Cargo insurance is one of the most effective ways to reduce risk of the carriage. Freight services are often associated with the risk of theft, damage or loss of cargo. In these cases to ensure compensation for damages, it is necessary to competently and on time to insure the shipment, contact your insurance company or carrier. Terms of cargo insurance at prevozke depend on the following factors: the characteristics of the cargo, its transportation, transportation route, mode of transport, the amount of liability insurer, the presence of congestion, and temporary storage, for a total package of services made under a contract of cargo transportation. In the insurance case during transportation is essential to perform all requirements of the insurance policy. Immediately notify the insurance company about the incident by sending a written statement demanding payment of insurance compensation.
In the case of a contract of insurance through the company carrier, you need to get her insurance certificate and verify the following items of the contract: as the Insured shall be shown the cargo owner (the shipper or consignee) must be specified technical characteristics of the goods, its cost, description, number of technical facilities, etc. Types of conditions in the contract for gruzopevozku: "With responsibility for all risks' – for the insurance contract concluded by this condition, the insured event loss, destruction or damage to all or part of the cargo, as well as all incurred expenses to save the cargo. In addition, the compensation shall be subject to damages, costs and premiums general average. 'With particular average' – under insurance contracts concluded on this subject considered uninsurable loss or damage to all or part of the load that occurred as a result: the crash collision with any external object, etc. 'Limited' – on the insurance contract concluded on this subject indemnify the Insured against damage or total loss of all or part of the cargo, occurred for any reason, except resulting from the theft, loss, theft, robbery, whole or parts of packages. 'No liability for damages, except when the crash' – under insurance contracts concluded on this subject to the Insured shall be reimbursed losses due to total loss of cargo, have occurred for any reason, except where noted.