Subjective Cost

Posted May 27th, 2018 by Suzy

Thus, in equilibrium the market value of the goods formed in accordance with the magnitude of the cost of labor embodied in goods vsy string of producers. Labor theory of value was not far from the truth, but: In the production of goods formed a no-cost goods, and the cost of producing goods. Under the conditions of equilibrium of the market value of the goods is not formed in accordance with the value embodied in the product of labor, and in accordance with the magnitude of the cost of this work. Cost of goods formed in accordance with the magnitude of value embodied in the product of labor is not the consciousness of participants in addition to the exchange, but through the conscious subjective satisfaction with the exchange of the bulk of its participants. The equality of prices of goods the price of its production creates the illusion of an absolutely objective – (independent of consciousness exchange participants) – equivalent exchange.

But it's really just an illusion, because if prices of goods, covering cost of production, and can be considered entirely objective equivalent of these costs, the price of forming the price of labor commodity, may be equivalent only in the form of subjective satisfaction producers such an evaluation of their work. And the fact that cover production costs as the result of the subjective desire of the manufacturer. With respect to the same objective – (emerging from the subjective opinions) – equivalence of the exchange can only have the following form: in the equilibrium market through the subjective satisfaction of the exchange price (of goods) the majority of participants formed an exchange price of such goods, which srednevidovye covers cost of production and forms – and in a balanced market – average market price of labor per unit cost producers of goods.

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