Standard Chinchilla

Posted December 20th, 2011 by Suzy

Standard chinchilla (popularly 'gray', 'normal') – the progenitor of all color mutations. Since it all began, and without its genes can not do any animal of any other color. Standard gray fur – a natural chinchilla. Typically, the first we buy is a standard chinchilla. And only then learn about the existence of other colors, and natural questions arise: 1. Who can chafing our little creatures? Standard can safely cross any color, because such a beast is not lethal (lethal) genes. 2.

From what will be the kids? Entire interest in how you can get a variety of offspring from your pair. If you excoriate standards with, in the end will be year after year to receive only the standard kids. It's funny, but not so interesting. Because if paired with a standard color chinchilla, the puppies can get different colors. Therefore, as often occurs question: Who is better to buy a couple to a standard chinchilla? The answer is very simple. The more variety of color genes will be 'a mixture of' at the second animal, the more varied the available offspring.

Puppies must receive one gene from your mom and one gene from dad. Therefore, if one parent is a standard that is desirable to have the second highest number of genes to transfer babies. Crossing with the standard chinchilla geteroeboni (2 genes – the standard and ebony) or black velvet (2 genes – Standard and velvet) and white (2 genes – the standard and white) and beige (2 genes – the standard and beige), you will receive a maximum of 2 color in puppies: a standard, or the same as that of the second parent. But if the standard chafing and white velvet (3 gene – standard, white, velvet), you can get, besides the standard three color mutations, such as black velvet, white velvet and white. Because white velvet, but the standard of genes and velvet, there is still a nilichii white gene. Y white and pink chinchilla also three color gene: a standard, white and beige, and when you cross your standard white-pink chinchilla, you can get kids of 4 types: standard, white, beige and white and pink. Thus, from more or less accessible and not very expensive colors to breed when paired with the standard is better to choose: white velvet or white and pink. Bed (3 gene – a standard, beige, ebony) is also very good for pairing with the standard will result in four possible colors, but we must remember that no standard gene Ebony and if it will be a little pastels, eventually you can get the standard with the gray bellies, which have no special value either as standard or as geteroeboni. A most preferred color in a pair for the standard are: white-pink velvet or white-pink ebony (with a lot of ebony), brown velvet gomobezhevaya gomobezhevy or velvet; gomobezhevy gomobezhevy white or white velvet, of course, for such animals will have to lay out a rather big amount, and to find and buy some colors are not so simple. Important note: if the genotype of one animal there two of the same gene (for example, gomobezh) is the standard chinchilla for mating with such mutations will never be produced standard puppies. Because one color gene (in this case, beige) will necessarily transferred to the baby. Similarly it should be borne in mind that in encounters with the standard of violet (violet and at least two such genes), you will never get the violet, but just the standard media violet. The same rule applies to sapphire and GB.

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