In this Time has cooled but already it inside the House, so that the heat can be dissipated to the outside and the temperature in the Interior of the House is constant. Also no thermal bridges are at an optimum insulation of intermediate rafters, that encourage the education and intrusion of warm or cold air. There are many different insulating materials, but the mineral wool insulation is still most effective. Following insulation materials are available: mineral wool polystyrene wool cotton flax cellulose wood-fibre insulation boards not only the intermediate rafters insulation of the roof is of importance to achieve optimal heat protection insulation of exterior walls, but wear also the exterior walls to an effective heat and cold protection. Here, too, the mineral wool insulation plays an important role.
Prior to the next house painting, man, if you have not already done so, should insulate the walls. This saves not only energy, but makes life inside both in summer as even in winter, much more pleasant. Also, it saves much fuel this isolation, since the heat remains constant and not outward leakage, as well as also the cold no longer through the walls inside. Over the years this investment in any case is expected. The advantage that there is no thermal bridges, which facilitate the escape of the heat outwards arises also through the insulation of the external walls. Floor insulation does not mean only soundproofing has many advantages, concerning, for example, the sound insulation floor insulation. If the ground with rock wool, is an effective sound and protection. But also the thermal protection will be here again in the foreground.
In particular, the fire is absolutely secured, since stone mineral wool is non-flammable and releases no toxic substances in case of fire. Another advantage of floor insulation consists in the fact that this is noticeable when the resistance and the floor very Sonic and noise-retarding effect. Thermal insulation and moisture you should take more care that a thermal insulation then unfolds its effectiveness, if at the same time minimizes the ventilation heat loss of the isolated building by improving the airtightness of the building envelope. Condensation may occur during the heating season and this can may favor the occurrence of mold and fungi and promoting so-called effects of fogging. This mould and fungus formation can pose a health risk for the occupants, but pull also the House substance affected. These molds occur especially in places such as behind cabinets. You should make sure so just in case, that between the furniture and the walls, a small gap is where the air can circulate. These effects can be avoided through the use of appropriate materials and construction methods, and some of the other measures. The insulation can drastically increase the temperature differences; When indoor air or water steam penetrates into the cold areas, this can lead to condensation. The lower the temperature in a room, and the higher is the room humidity, the quicker condensation will occur. For this, additional precautions must be taken. Only then, the incoming moisture may be removed. The optimal insulation of a house contributes to environmental protection as well as energy savings. If you take out his house in key areas such as exterior walls and roof to isolate, are available under certain conditions – State funding available. This way, every homeowner should use and enquire of the competent authority. This financial injection should be more an incentive to equip its own four walls with all measures around an effective thermal insulation.