We continue with the second delivery of that series of articles on Resources of design Web to realise a great Page. # 6 – TaskUs TaskUs is a great site that allows him to work with much more efficiency by means of the delegation of tasks different from people worldwide. If a great part of the time is with obligations and is very occupied, and if in addition you work by your account, to begin a new Web site or business can be very discouraging with the amount of tasks that implies.Here he is where TaskUs.com becomes very useful, which does is to connect itself to Internet, like user, and soon to decide what tasks of all the work that there is, must make the users of TaskUs.After to have decided what you want to do, is limited to establish a date limit, later will discuss the details with an administrator.After the administrator has all the details and needs, he looks for the people described more to complete this work for you, everything becomes under supervision of the administrator who has been assigned.After all the work has been completed, it is watched and it reviewed carefully, making sure that it adapts to his norms and needs, as well as its quality is verified. Taskus.com sends to you the work to him, that is covered by a satisfaction guarantee.If they ask this to me it is a great resource to save time. – It visits: TaskUs.com # 7 – Flowtown Flowtown is a resource of the calls " Social Media" exceptional, that allows him to put itself in contact with its objective public of a very sigilosa form. Basically, it allows you to see what people are speaking, as well as what they are doing, in a massive scale.Everything what you need to do is to add an email, or the list compelta of electronic mail, clicks in " Go" and Flowtown will reunite to a pile of information, that it can be used to his favor.One of the majors problems with the marketing of the Social Average, is to be trying to separate the good thing from the bad thing, or rather to influential people and the gospellers of which they do not interest in absolute.Flowtown makes this for you how, looking for popular are: the size of their groups and networks are compared with others, as well as they give an idea him of his personality.This really is a great way to quickly advance in its strategy online, you you can, literally, begin of zero and manage to construct a great list of people whom they push to him forwards.Next, it can combine this construction of new list of people and to add them to its Mailchimp or account of Aweber (Autoresponders), which allows to construct a campaign him of marketing of xtio.This is a small great resource to have " Ace in manga".
Social Average
Posted September 17th, 2015 by Suzy