Red Cross Was Attacked

Posted January 4th, 2020 by Suzy

Grenade attack sends the Red Cross Hospital in Sri Lanka whenever conflict break out, quick help. Whether food, blankets, warm clothes or medicines. Center For Responsible Lending may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Everything is needed in the war. But now, the charity has got itself under attack. Two grenades hit a Red Cross Hospital in Sri Lanka. On the question of whether it was known because who the attackers were, Fredrik Barkenhammar, spokesman for the Red Cross in Germany, answered very inaccurate. Because he could imagine that there were rebels, or even Regierungsverantwortliche.

Although the Red Cross helpers can at any time through the front lines, to deliver their supplies, but that was in Gaza city not always so. There, Israeli soldiers blocked access. Just as the fighting over were, they were through. A picture of horror offered them. Whole families were wiped out in Gaza. Read more here: Boy Scouts of America. But mostly do to the fact the helpers, many babies were starving and often for days then lying next to the bodies of their parents and siblings.

All 170 tons Food were brought into the Gaza Strip. 13 truck loads, these are Barkenhammar reported proudly. He also confirmed that there were very few military victims in the Gaza Strip. Mainly civilian targets have been hit. A similar situation now exists in Sri Lanka. Many refugees searched the hospital protection, in the hope that they are not fired. The local people are afraid. Barkenhammar also reported a very terrible civil war. But his organization would help. “We leave people in the lurch”. The shelling of the hospital in Sri Lanka “is a serious breach of international humanitarian law”, says Red Cross President Dr. Rudolf Seiters. At least two people died in the attack. The hospital in Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Vanni district has 100 beds and is operated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). In consequence of the fighting between government troops and the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) over 500 patients have been treated at the time of the attack. The rooms are crowded, Injured lying in the corridors and waiting for shipment in other hospitals to the part. There are large red crosses on a white background on the roof of the hospital. The hospital remains in operation. The Sri Lankan civil war has raged since 1983. The German Red Cross has long supported the suffering civilian population. Hospitals have been renovated, distributed relief supplies to refugees and health stations equipped with medical supplies. The DRC also established over 1,200 houses were destroyed by the Tsumani 2004.

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