Kids’ Behavior

Posted September 10th, 2020 by Suzy

The more stringent are the requirements for the child at home, the more aggressive he is, appears to be in their behavior. This position was the first hypothesis of our study in a Moscow kindergarten. We interviewed the parents, as they punish children in the family and what they think reasonable measure of exposure. All the answers were divided into two groups (think to which of them you could be attributed, and myself). If the answer was about the parents: "I slap, I put in a corner, kept back, that he loves the child, locked in room ', this we refer to manifestations of severe punishment. If parents have tried not to respond to 'inappropriate' behavior of the child or convince him to switch to other actions, this we refer to soft measures effects on children.

What is shown by the results of statistical treatment? It turned out that indeed, the aggressiveness of children is higher in those families where the follow rigid forms of punishment. However, not all children – but only for girls. Aggressive outbursts boys appear equally in all families, regardless of form of punishment. This means, first, that girls are hard to punish dangerous – the evil that they receive from adults, they immediately vent, 'respond' as it is called professionals in any suitable for this situation. Secondly, the boys punished severely pointless – it has virtually no effect on their behavior, which is much more than that girls, is determined by internal factors.

But the cause of neuroses – anxiety, stuttering, enuresis – and harsh punishment may in boys and girls. So the next question is already aggressive adults – should think carefully about what annoys you at home or outside the home, and send your own aggressiveness to the source that gave it birth. What else can affect the aggressive behavior of children? Perhaps, as often the case in adults, it produces no other dissatisfaction, and dissatisfaction with oneself, lack of self-love, the right which is not confirmed by the emotional attitude of the parents – affection, praise, kind word or gesture? The second hypothesis about the causes of children's aggressiveness was that the child lives in an environment of so-called emotional deprivation (from English deprive – deny), that it is not punished, but it does not encouraged.

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