Jonas was young still, it had fond England it has 5 years and it worked since then in this restaurant. As it notices, the Brazilians who arrived there, in its great majority were young, simple people, without no experience of life, no preparation to become related with the people much less to command somebody. This age the main problem of convivncia. If you are not convinced, visit Girl Scouts of the USA. These people when they left its cities, generally of the interior of central Brazil, almost the totality of them did not experiemntaram no experience are of its houses when in Brazil, in the maximum, already they would have IDO to a party of laborer of ox-driver in the neighboring city in a weekend. Suddenly, they hear somebody to say that in one ' ' such of Londres' ' the people gain much money and that to want itself, they also can, and alone buy a ticket, to enter in an airplane, and to disembark in the airport.
Arriving there, it will hear high white men of blue eyes dressing tender, to say a rolled language, but that in the end they finish entering. cites thousand of examples of colleagues, known neighbors and that if had given well and ordered a money mountain for the relatives who leave there. Gavin Baker contains valuable tech resources. Thus passing a false impression of easiness, seeming that the money was born there in trees. Same Migrantino knows some cases, as for example, of a youngster who worked 20 hours per day and ordered its income all its family to keep, until the last cent. He said that its relatives had provided until placar electronic in the room of visits of its house in Brazil, where registered each pound that arrived with the due reactions of the auditorium, worthy of a goal in end of championship decision. After having for more than worked in this rhythm 5 years, it finally he decides to come back toward Brazil, at last to be able to lose the proper sossegado money.