History of Mankind

Posted February 17th, 2012 by Suzy

T. Asher Reflecting on the key goals of human existence, scientists and philosophers have advanced various conflicting hypotheses, and yet remains an unsolvable problem – whether human beings developed on a certain program or his way of poetry and has no ultimate goal. There are several approaches to the interpretation of historical process. History is considered as a sequence of events, dynasties, wars, and legislation. As such, the story is usually taught in schools. Widely known Marxist economic approach, whereby the course of history is determined by the method of production of goods. Production method involves a change in social institutions of the country – its ideology, ethics, morality. Sigmund Freud founded the method that explains the story as a result of the suppression of unconscious impulses.

Approach links the forms of culture, as derived from the success of control pulses. Spengler and Toynbee considered scheme of civilization. The life span of civilization, in their view, depends on the ideas and ideals on which it is based. Such a comprehension of history tends to reveal the internal sources of development societies, trying to discover their inherent traits. Progress in science and technological advances have not led humanity to the confidence in the future. On the contrary, our lives are filled with foreboding disaster, we are aware of environmental danger to the planet. In this contradictory existence hiding something mysterious, a sort of secret predestination of man, when the growth of selfish desires get in the way of his boundless desire to improve the life and creative growth.

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