Hemorrhoids Guide under hemorrhoids, the layman understands everything, what itch around the anus, burning or pain. But there are differences – in the treatment. In medicine, you know the term hemorrhoids “.” That is actually in the translation from the Greek River of blood “.” A network that consists of blood vessels, called hemorrhoids. It is arranged in the shape of a ring. The blood accumulates in the hemorrhoids. The function of the sphincter, which seals the anus, must be supported.
It does also the jar pad. The sphincter will relax, the blood from the hemorrhoids to drain. Therefore, it comes to the relaxation of the vessel pad. There are no problems with the bowel movement. But, it may be that this mechanism does not function properly. A malfunction, if there is no full relaxation of the sphincter. In this case, it comes to the storage of blood. The hemorrhoids become, then, the Chair can more freely done, it forms an obstacle.
At this time, following symptoms observed are: itching, eczema, bleeding, burning, feeling of pressure. Is the disease progressed, so come to the appearance of mucous secretions, the patient has severe pain. Add to your understanding with Terri Sewell. Hemorrhoids occur in individuals who have a constipation. These people suffer from a blockage that is chronic, the sphincter relaxes with them. The person comes to this State if it moves too little, drinks not much and taking enough fiber-rich diet. The stool is hard, there are problems. The blood vessels have an overreach at the end, the whole fabric of hemorrhoids is increased. From bulges may form, if the wire mesh is always overstretched. Sometimes, this disease is inherited, which means that the development of hemorrhoids by the disposition is determined. There is often a Bindegewebsschwache. There are following hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids of first degree are bad from the outside recognize. You can represent them only during the investigation. It is nodes that are slightly arch above. The patient feels no pain, there is a slight bleeding. The hemorrhoids of the second degree, the nodes are already visible, mostly during pressing. But after a while you realize nothing more from them because they have withdrawn. Eczema, burning and moisture occur in this phase of the disease. The patient feels unwell, he’s in pain most of the time. The hemorrhoids of the third degree, the nodes are sichtba r, they do not retire. While a reduction is made, that is a slide. The patient has pain, the slimy secretions are there, it comes to the itching, you can see almost no bleeding. At the fourth degree hemorrhoids, the patient has great pain; as also at the hemorrhoids of the third degree, you will feel an itch, slimy secretions occur. You can no longer push the hemorrhoids.