The realised by Stefan Helmbrecht and projected total investment so far amounted to 242.000.000 million euros. Stefan Helmbrecht: Just condos in historic buildings have the important advantage that they are usually in attractive neighborhoods and downtown locations. Which of course affects the price. Around 90 per cent of urban dwellers but prefer the ambience of a – refurbished of course according to all rules of the art and equipped with modern comfort – monument real estate to a new building and are willing to pay higher rents also.” For them, a property is not just an object that performs a specific function such as for Stefan Helmbrecht. Borgen Project spoke with conviction. To Stefan Helmbrecht: historic houses have a history, telling stories in them human comedies and tragedies took place. Will receive these buildings, then they are a valuable heritage for present and future – and continues to write history.” As a real estate expert and specialist for listed buildings Stefan Helmbrecht is not a partner for customers, only the Search our own four walls, but a place of intense joy and harmony.
A grade II listed property in such a place to turn, experienced experts, who at the same time attend to this with passion and attention to detail a task for professional “, so Stefan Helmbrecht. Stefan Helmbrecht continue: who as real estate expert is on the lookout for monuments, will make sure that these are locations that can demonstrate sustainable population growth and are among the most coveted locations of in Germany. “Because price increases and development potential for value to be expected here.” A regional analysis must be done so before investing, advises Stefan Helmbrecht. Real estate are currency independent, crisis-proof and safe inflation. Renovated monument real estate one can assert also substantial tax reductions. Investing in a monument worth therefore always under several aspects”, so Stefan Helmbrecht. Stefan Helmbrecht is today primarily as an investor and Project developer active in the listed real estate sector, moreover, he controls the real estate activities of various well-known family offices and selected institutional investors.