Detektei Lentz

Posted January 30th, 2021 by Suzy

This is practically impossible at the WinLocal GmbH since any assessment must be confirmed by a real E-Mail address and are also ongoing reviews by the same IP address. All clients of the Detektei Lentz receive automatically three mails after a request from a certain distance the Detektei Lentz and will be asked for the donation of a review. Here, the clients receive the link to the portal Whether the client now surrender this review the Detektei Lentz or not, decide alone herself. The text, enter the client is just as free as the pseudonym, which can be used. Thus the clients of the Detektei Lentz can also, to keep their identity secret and to give their opinion yet! Currently, 25-30% of the clients submit your review! The detective agency Lentz care throughout Europe every year between 500 and 600 clients of different walks of life.

Average about 25-30% of client type Detektei Lentz a rating from – under their correct identities, partly under pseudonyms. The detective agency Lentz aims to increase the ratio of the reviews of their clients from the current 30% to at least 50%. Hereupon the Detektei Lentz has however only very limited influence: besides asking for objective and factual review of their unused services on the above mentioned evaluation portal, no further measures are given. And because experience has shown that good services as a matter of course be considered, is to be hoped that it creates the Detektei Lentz continues and amplifies their clients to motivate to do their positive experience with the detective agency Lentz to provide an objective and comprehensive decision support thus potential clients of an economic detective agency with this evaluation portal. Learn more about the applications and current examples of the Detektei Lentz are to see.

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