The inhabitants of the first village established in the Portuguese colony, Are Vicente, had been to ‘ urnas’ to choose the City council. The voting was indirect, that is: the people chose six representatives, who, after that, had chosen the officers of Advice (MACEDO; MANHANELLI, 2007). The following manifestations date of the monarchic period where then emperor Dom Peter I creates the first legislation that deals with the vote. During the periods colonial and imperial they had been marked by the call tax vote and frequent episodes of electoral frauds.
It had, for example, the vote by proxy, in which the voter transferred its right to vote to another person. Also heading did not exist of voter and the people were identified by the integrant ones of the Apuradora Table and by witnesses. Thus, the votings entered names of people deceased, children and inhabitants of other cities. In 1842 the vote was only forbidden by proxy (TRE-RO). In 1881, by means of decree n 3,029 was sancionada the electoral law, known as Law Hail or Law of the Census, that created the voter heading, in order to diminish the number of frauds in the elections, however it did not diminish the fraud cases, therefore the heading not possua photo of the voter. It possessed writing of Rui Barbosa, it abolished the indirect elections and it gave to beginning the direct elections and still it adopted the vote of the illiterate (CNDIDO). After the Announcement of the Republic, in 1889, the vote not yet was right of all. Minors of 21 years, women, illiterates, beggars, flat, aboriginal and integrant soldiers of the clergy were hindered to vote (TRE-RO).