One of the great problems faced in the present time in what it says respect the impression is the burning of the cartridges. The great majority of the users does not have knowledge of why of the burning of the cartridge. Many are until supresos when they discover that the biggest cause of cartridge burning is me the use. This small text comes with the objective to clarify why of the burning of the cartridges what with certainty it goes to make with that much burning is delayed by the adjusted use. The cartridges possess an electric circuit that makes the communication between the cartridge and the printer, with the use (impression) the ink levels goes finishing and with the insistence in carrying through the impression, the overload affect the circuits burning them, thus making unusable the cartridge.
This circuit with the resistance of a shower can be compared, a time the shower with sufficient water esquenta it the water more does not leave it very hot. The measure that diminishes the amount of water the temperature of the water goes increased. When the amount of water is very small, this why the water leaves very hot and if to perssistir for long time the ressistncia burns for water absence. The cartridge also burns for ink absence, what eixa clearly that a time the signal of ink level low is hour of recarreglo. The energy fall also can cause burning of cartridge, due to the thermal shock. The burnt electric circuits are responsible for 30% of not existing conformity in the recharge procedure.
The burning happens during the impression process, where the impression plate, through electric discharges, heats a small amount of ink until temperatures around 500 C (932 F). The cooling of the plate occurs for the proper ink that leaves the cartridge and that it prevents that the system suffers an overheating. To the measure that the cartridge if empties the system is submitted to a gradual and partial overheating that occurs due to the precarious cooling which the cartridge passes to be submitted. This overheating if becomes critic when the existing ink inside of the cartridge finishes. The colorful cartridges of the printer of series 600 (49A) and of series 800 (25A) is especially citizens to present this problem, being had been verified its occurrence in 50% of the recharge procedures. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Penn State. This occurs simply because when the compartment of ink of a color if empties, the user persists in continuing to print with the others two colors, having an overheating of the system, a time that all it is warm at the moment of the impression.