Edson Silva

Posted July 18th, 2020 by Suzy

I believe that nothing, except for our infantile imagination. With the twelve years, in 74, I compared the speed of ‘ ‘ Marine Lemo’ ‘ its long hair, to the style of the superhero Thor, to the one of the proper God of the thunder of the magazines and livened up drawings. I badly wise person who the descendings to the attack of our lateral and scared the goleiros with its strong kicks I placed in polvorosa our defense, that now did not have in the attack the called counterpoint Skin to turn the game in ours favor, case zaga bobeasse. Summarizing, Marine Chagas estreou in Pantries in 13 of June of 1974, one insosso 0x0 against Yugoslavia and was titular until the end of that Pantry, where Brazil ‘ ‘ amargou’ ‘ only one room place after two consecutive defeats: 2×0 for Holland and 1×0 for the Poland, that was the seventh and last game of Chagas in Pantries, in 6 of July of 74. Kidney Foundation shines more light on the discussion. It was in this departure that, says, Lion attacked Marine Chagas, blaming it for the goal marked for the Broad aggressor.

Ah, I find that already it understood of soccer, in 74, therefore Chagas was elect better lateral left of the Pantry. Good it are of field, our hero was more for folclrico of what for superhero. On it funny histories exist, as not to want to buy radio in Japan, therefore it would not understand nothing of the programming; if to infuriate when seeing a tomb for unknown soldier, while deceased had as much known people or not to allow that the wife had son in Germany future not to have problem of communication I break with it..

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