Posts tagged ‘education’

The Organization

February 17th, 2021

We opt to presenting the cited work explicitado in four item important, but that the situation and context of subsequentes research can in accordance with be developed. First the thematic one deals with the functions of pedagogo pertaining to school as half to favor the good course of the pedagogical work in the school, including […]

Federal University

December 14th, 2020

It extends the idea to write a new preface for the Pedagogia of the oppressed one, retook readings and Robson Ricardo is Professor Doctor of the UFU (Federal University of Uberlndia and the ONE) Intensified the dialogue with us educators aunts, uncles or not. With however sufficient force in the task to teach, its peculiarities […]

Phone Uses

December 11th, 2020

Today everyone can afford a phone connection at home or the office, but few know the history of invention of this device is so familiar. Invention, a device that would transmit and receive audio using to the properties of electricity, preceded by the appearance of the electric telegraph. February 14, 1876 an American of Scottish […]

Internet Interpreter

December 11th, 2020

And then have an interest in language led to obtaining a second language education. There are many competent translators who are based on the foreign language taught in school or college, and success in translating achieved through constant practice of translation. Complex technical text can intelligently move, only an expert in this field, and the […]

Program Inclusive Education

August 12th, 2020

In 1996 the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of Educao (LDB) attributes to the education nets the duty to assure resumes, methods, resources and organizations to take care of to the necessities of the educandos. In 2002 Resolution CNE/CP1 defines that superior education has the duty to prepare professors to take care of […]

Christian Age

July 17th, 2020

Therefore, through these groups or bandos of adventurers who if had spread for the Europe it appeared the term ' ' Banda' ' for group of musicians, bandos of amateur musicians, formed for destined soldiers to study and to execute the rudimentary instruments of poca.' ' Band is word of germanic origin? bandwa, that is, […]

Literal Reading

May 15th, 2020

It is joining the reading and the intertextualidade, elements that if always relate and are together, that if results in a literal production, being this fruit of the union between reading and intertextualidade. A related site: Boy Scouts of America mentions similar findings. We will work in this article the existing relation enters these three […]

Ecodefense Environmental

April 18th, 2020

" Also in the action brought together activists from Norway, with a placard 'Norway against nuclear energy. " Tomsk The police prevented a group of environmentalists to anti-nuclear campaign the building of the Tomsk region. Cancer Research Institute. can aid you in your search for knowledge. Unsanctioned rally organized by activists of the NGO 'Tomsk […]

Canon Software Alley

February 4th, 2020

February 4, 2009 the company "Canon Roo" held a seminar on product DIMS in St. Petersburg. The company "Canon Ru ( is Canon corporation in Russia. The company has offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The main purpose company "Canon Ru" – Further development of sales of consumer goods Canon, as well as promote and […]

Reading Coordination

October 26th, 2019

Grafada has disgrficos with letter badly, but ineligible, however others comment errors and blots that almost do not leave possibility of reading for its cursiva writing, even so they themselves are capable to read what they had written. It is common that they have difficulties in mathematics. Theories exist on the causes of the disgrafia, […]