
Posted August 8th, 2016 by Suzy

In some sources this story sounds a bit different. Rosemary flowers are blue, when in flight with a small Christ of soldiers of Herod the Virgin Mary in the bush of rosemary worn his blue coat. Therefore, one of the many colloquial names of this plant – "Cloak of Mary." Legends tell us that the Greek gods on Mount Olympus going to adorn their heads with wreaths of rosemary and valued it above gold. It was believed that the plant enhances memory. Greek and Roman students wore garlands of rosemary during examinations in order to improve memory and stimulate mental activity. Sprig of rosemary is a symbol of memories.

Rosemary was one of the first plants that have become used for medicinal purposes, as well as in cooking and in religious ceremonies. His shoots voskurivali in temples of ancient Greece. It is also considered sacred in ancient Rome and Egypt. This can be seen the remains of plants found in Egyptian tombs. The smell of rosemary, a bit like the smell of incense. Since ancient times, rosemary, along with lavender, sage, thyme and Melissa grew up in the hills of Lebanon, had been circulated in all countries Mediterranean. The Roman author Pliny in his writings, wrote of him as a medicinal plant which possesses magical powers, arguing that its flowers remain so attractive blue color due to the fact that Rosemary grows mainly along the coast of the sea, and sea foam, getting the flowers, colors them blue. In medieval Europe rosemary hit by the Roman legionnaires, or maybe even the Germanic tribes, that in the III century BC fought a war with the Roman Empire.

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