Ways Out Of Unemployment

Posted February 4th, 2021 by Suzy

What are the chances are a job loss, to get quickly back into employment. Although Germany’s economy continues to grow, the number of unemployed is on very high. The unemployment rate is over 3 million, just over 2 million fall in the old Lander and nearly 1 million on the new. In the statistics the people aren’t included, which fall into the under-employed, E.g. the ‘hidden unemployment’.

There are different criteria, z.B.die “Service to participate in working life”. Below are people who were sick for longer than 6 months. They can apply for a claim on aid to the “vocational rehabilitation”. These include vocational preparation, existence founder grants, help the receipt and get a job, and some more. Also the people who have a “job opportunities with additional expenses compensation” and those who fall under the 1958 scheme include the ‘hidden unemployment’. Also, not to the current unemployed people who are cared for by staff-management companies Unemployment statistics count.

The “disguised unemployment” is a further Division of the unemployed are not added. While besitzenb these people a job, are not needed in the work force. To park in the so-called “job pool”, also “centralized personnel surplus management” called these people. As the last Division is the “silent reserve”. These unemployed want to work, but officially not unemployed registered. This often happens because they have no right to unemployment benefit, were not satisfied with the offered jobs and search on your own. There is also still the unemployed seeking a job without the help of the Office. By the same author: BCRFA. All 3 criteria are among the under-employed. There is still a small sub division of the registered unemployed, are those who are looking any place. Because only benefits are paid after the third of the social security code, if one is logged in an unemployment Agency, many jobless chose this way.

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