The authors had concluded in its study randomizado with sixty and one volunteers, who the avocado consumption did not affect in significant way the sricas concentrations of lipdios.17 Evidenced that in 67% of the studied population, they had gotten reduction measured of 19,6% in the plasmticos levels of LDL. Colquhoun, Moores, Somerset et al, had also gotten a positive result. The authors had carried through a randomizado clinical assay with fifteen women between 37 58 years of age, with objective to compare monoinsaturados the acid effect of a rich diet in greasy enriched with avocado and a rich diet in complex carboidratos on the concentrations of lipdios in the blood. The result showed that the group that consumed a diet with avocado had gotten a more efficient result, with 8,2% of comparative reduction to the group that consumed a rich diet in complex carboidratos, with 4,9% reduction. The LDL levels had reduced significantly in the group that consumed the avocado, and not in the group that consumed the complex carboidratos. The authors had concluded that the avocado consumption is more efficient than rich diet in complex carboidratos in the total cholesterol reduction and LDL.21 Lopes, in its study also got resulted positive with the use of the avocado, getting reduction of 22% in the levels of LDL.19 Soares, concluded in its study that the regular consumption of the avocado reduced the sricos levels of LDL in 11%.20 In relation to the plasmticos levels of TG, 50% of the population had gotten resulted positive, with reduction of the TG in 13,7%. Vasguez, Halzel and Cabrera et al, in its study had also concluded, that the avocado consumption diminished the TG, the result of its study was a reduction of the TG in 10,3%.18 Soares, in its study made with normolipidmicas women, also concluded that regular consumption of the avocado has the effect to reduce the sricos levels of TG in 17%.20 Lopes, in its study also got resulted positive, having reduction of 22% in the TG.19 levels CONCLUSION It is concluded with the present study that the avocado can be considered a food with functional properties and possesss effect positive in the reduction of the lipdico profile, HERE, weight and corporal mass of the population.
Posted December 30th, 2017 by Suzy