Complainingly, some did not feel the love in place. For it seemed that the people lived in constant dispute, that the life in the world was being made it difficult for interpersonal convivncia, all distrusted of all, seemed to it that the people if seted to harm excessively, thinking exclusively about proper benefit. In the situation where we live, we would have two alternatives, to live in equal way the great majority, or we isolate in them in a wild place, solitary with reduced number of people who compactuem with our feelings. Quiet the Ancio, was looking at the horizon, meditando in what it heard of the young lover.
It answered: – ‘ ‘ mine jovem’ ‘. – What it is the love for you? Ka, stopped, it reflected, and it said: – ‘ ‘ The love is a gostoso feeling that we have for that we know, for which we create a great affection, and, we dedicate afeto’ very; ‘. – My young, to who you love? The youngster answered: – ‘ ‘ the family, friends, the people with who I coexist and they want bem’ to me; ‘. The valoroso Gentleman, questioned it: – ‘ ‘ Must exist somebody for who nourishes some antipatia? Which the reason had taken that it to create this feeling? As well as must have those to who you you are disagreeable? The Scholar, calmly, explained that the people lived in an impersonal way, only thought about them, ambitious, wants everything, some times in egoistic ways and with easinesses. Without any concern with the others, creating an energy the negative fluidics that attracts its fellow creatures, moving away the people with altruistic feelings. In this manner, they do not catch feelings of affection of the people, making it difficult a good convivncia.
– It is asked; – ‘ ‘ How I love the people? ‘ ‘ It evaluates the form as it loves the people. You are surpreso, will recognize that its feelings, which thinks to be of love, nothing more are to like them for admiration or convenience, in the lesser opposition will leave to love them. Many love for the system of exchanges, love you to I, love me to you, until day where the circumstances of the good to live wound what we feel, leaving of being interesting for us or them, to continuing this type to like. ‘ ‘ The love is a pure feeling, exempts, that it has left of us for other people without any imposition, without interest and desire of reciprocity, attracting people of ethical and moral nature, who engrandecem ours vida’ ‘. To it we express this love for our fellow creature, we are receiving givers and of good fluids, have a convivncia pacifies, nobleman, healthful and we are happy. The young when hearing the Scholar, said: – ‘ ‘ What I must make Sir? ‘ ‘ – ‘ ‘ It expresses your true feelings. It loves, indistinctly to the all humanidade’ ‘.