But Atawalpa loved the beautiful Qikyusisa and according to the oracles of Catequil and of Great pachakamac they said that serious the Mother to him of one of the greatest soldiers than libertaria to its towns. But it thought that it is going to free them if they were not enslaved of any Great sinchi, nor of no Great Apu Sapa that existed to the date, but which like Governor of all the nations of the World as the Tata Wilka had appointed it its Father. But it moved resemblance to him idea that had nailed him amautas servants of such Huacas, but in addition it feared to him, because all the oracles that said such huacas became in fact, for it to the assault of their fears control destroys huaca of Catequil in Icchal that is in the Nation of the Huamanchucos, old tributary of the Sinchis Waris. The Amauta of that huaca I throw a curse to him: " You will die in unworthy hands, the one of Yanas and delinquents to have destroyed a Sacred place, that our ancestors had and your town will undergo five hundred years the opprobrium of wild people who will destroy the Pacha sucks, will turn into deserts without water all the forests. They will abrirn hollows everywhere and they would spill liquids that killed to all the runas of a few without feel they it. The days will be cloudy and Tata Wilka will disappear by always until the New condor comes to order and to fight by its nations, would try to assassinate it and they will put in some horror house, where almost its life will be extinguished, but thus almost out of breath will appear again to destroy the savages who by five hundred years destroyed our nations by the offense of Atawalipa towards Catequil our Protector." Sentence that had not commented to him to any of the Coyas, so that they would not worry and they would say to him of the warning that had done to him of not attempting against the Oracle of Catequil.
The Amauta
Posted November 13th, 2012 by Suzy