Its external view, we almost immediately gain the position around or lose. Change the prevailing one seems difficult. That’s why it’s important to know what’s right for you, when and what to wear. It all begins with such simple things like color and style of clothes and socks shape of your shoes. If you would […]
Posts tagged ‘fashion and style’
Prince Charming Image
August 3rd, 2020
History Of Watches
September 1st, 2016
History of how men's watches have become a favorite subject of jewelry and contemporary manifestations of taste. Portable clocks were available in the 1500's, but their accuracy was very poor, the errors were in the order of things, watches were no more than novelty for the rich. Pocket watches became popular in the late 1600's, […]
June 30th, 2015
Little about the military-style clothing. The most common things that have fallen out of the army so to speak "on the citizen": camouflage jackets, high boots, vests are worn with pleasure by both sexes. At all times the armor did not play purely practical significance. Among other things, they stressed the wealth and gentility of […]