Posts tagged ‘books & magazines’

the Web shop of Michael Krainz is started – best eBOOKs in the with this slogan. As the content of homepage operators sought out the market of eBooks, which already plays a large role in America, in Europe is still in its infancy. eBooks are electronic books that are read on the PC, the […]

First Pulp On Kindle

February 1st, 2021

from the Heidelberger author Alexander Nastasi In the baby maker, involves a daily topic of many young couples, the fertility. But what if both agree are, that they want children and it doesn’t work? An ad can be the already frustrated young woman sit up – as a baby maker advertised in the Frankfurt General […]

September 26, 2009 at the Dusseldorf cultural Cafe of Solaris in their reading performance the thing… Heart called “the poet Rabea Becker scatters glass splinters in the hearts of the listeners. Her poems, published in the debut album this thing called heart (ISBN 978-3-9811-7682-7), viewers move again and again captivated. The inner monologue that instantly […]


January 26th, 2021

Reina I. Vildebrand & Jurgen Thein in the Solaris the Duisburg songwriter and poets is Reina I. Vildebrand from her novel forthcoming with us Mongol child read. Passionate, funny and dramatic at the same time this is ideally suitable for a reading performance. Between the passages the singer and spokeswoman intersperses comments, poems and songs. […]

Dieter Thomas Heck (Peter Lanz)

November 11th, 2020

Dieter Thomas Heck biography – yellow press in book format rear works like a muzzleloader, if it occurs anywhere beyond holes into the brains of his listeners his language load – then nobody has an ear for what Stern says or writes Peter Lanz for him. As does this biography. It is in itself an […]

Catholic Church

October 29th, 2020

In the new edition of his book, Michael Eckert clarifies the question, what ways there for remarried divorcees in the Catholic Church is and could be. In the new edition of his book, Michael Eckert clarifies the question, what ways there for remarried divorcees in the Catholic Church is and could be. Here an excerpt […]

Marlene Dietrich

October 13th, 2020

“Marlene Dietrich and the twenties in a new biography of Frederik D. Tunnat that the Blue Angel ‘ triggered Marlene Dietrich’s career legend is. That a promoter active in the background gave her the lead role and significantly redesigned the screenplay, is, however, little known. His name: Karl vollmoeller. The biography of Marlene Dietrich vollmoeller […]

Sabine Bajwa Publisher

May 26th, 2019

We eat too many carbohydrates, our body burns less fat, decrease good HDL cholesterol and triglyceride values increase. To do this, there are 152 low carb recipes from around the world in the book. Approximately 246 million people afflicted with diabetes around the world. By 2025, the number will rise to 380 million expected. Formerly […]