Superior Education

Posted July 21st, 2019 by Suzy

Curricular structure of ProJovem Field – To know of the Land The organization of the times and the spaces of formation does not follow the regular school year, but yes, they work for a pedagogia of alternation 3, where the Program in two periods is divided: ' ' Escola&#039 time; ' (corresponding to the formation in the pertaining to school space, receiving orientaes from the educators), ' ' Comunidade&#039 time; ' (corresponding to the formation not systemize, partilhando in such a way to know and experiences in the family and the community, how much in the social movements and of classroom). The biggest importance of the young agriculturist to participate of ProJovem Field – To know of the Land is the recognition and valuation of its identity peasant and the pertaining to school learning in accordance with the reality found in the field. Swarmed by offers, Neeman Foundation is currently assessing future choices. However, in a deeper analysis concerning the Program, contradictions are presented that are found in the current education, being present inside of the structure of the capital, being promoted by the State. As, for example, in the question of the financing 4 of all the project for the MEC, since the payment of the educators and coordinators of groups, the stock market-aid of the educandos of 100 bimonthly Reals, the partnership of Institutions of Superior Education (the Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE, as in the case of Saberes of the Land II, and the University of Pernambuco – UPE, in Saberes of Land IV) for the formation continued in education of the field for the educators, and until the confection of all the didactic materials for the educandos and the formation of the educators. Follow others, such as Childrens Defense Fund, and add to your knowledge base. However, the social movements and the education for them carried through are inside of the contradictions, making (or trying to make) a contracoat, because, exactly inserted inside of the logic of the capital, the present logic in the movements is another one of solidarity for the land against the power that dominates the society. .

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