STSI is a special organ of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, through which the state regulates the safety of road users. The names of the body are changing very often, now its official name sounds like – the Department of Road Safety Russian Interior Ministry (Department of OBDD, DOBDD), as he had previously referred to as the GAI (State Auto Inspection). Russian citizens now often refer to this executive authority as traffic police or traffic police. And the name of the traffic police remained at the regional and local level, where the data structure of the executive included in the relevant ministries and agencies at the regional level. At the same time local traffic police are subject to federal DOBDD. In the department of traffic police is to ensure road safety, inspection of documents on transport, registration of vehicles.
A special role is played by staff Traffic police in the training of future drivers. Driving schools are obliged to coordinate their training with the inspectors, traffic police. And the students take exams directly to the inspector of traffic police. According to the results of driver training and the results exams in the regional offices are the traffic police driving school ratings on the quality of driver training. Structure-GIBDDDorozhno Patrol Service road inspection and technical organization dvizheniya.Sluzhba inspection and examination .-. avtotransporta.GAI search for "spetstrassah" (federal roads).
History Pre-war years GAI traffic police was established July 3, 1936 Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Decree No. 1182 "Regulations on the State Automobile Inspection of the Main Directorate of the workers 'and peasants' militia NKVD." The main task of the new body was the fight against accidents on the roads of the Soviet Union and the development of technical standards on accounting and operation of vehicles. Until 1936 the Soviet Union was engaged in road safety gear (Department traffic control), which was a member of the police. When are employees of the unit focused solely on the regulation of traffic, that is, in fact have been an authorized instead of the usual traffic lights now. Until the 1950s, regulators were an independent agency and not included in the SAI. In 1940, SAI developed by experts in the form of laws common to all: Rules of the road dvizheniya.Unifitsirovanny sample identification voditelya.Pravila account Transport inspection sredstv.Pravila sredstv.Vnutrennie transport regulations concerning the organization of traffic police and road markings installed znakov.Vnutrenny regulations regarding traffic police control over the technical road conditions. The Great Patriotic War in the wartime mobilization of organized traffic police vehicles. Many of the traffic police went to fight on the front. In the postwar years, 1950 in the SAI has been included Guns and traffic police took over and control the movement of vehicles on the roads. At the turn of the 1960s and early 1970s began to spread the mass of cars. Gradually the traffic police authorities to specialize, some units engaged only in road patrol, others – only the registration of vehicles. There were separate units take a driving test in the future drivers. GAI in Russia in the 90s affected the department wave of renaming. First, GAI has been transformed into the traffic police have come up with a new name DOBDD. Now the overall reform of the Interior Ministry and police in the renaming of the police, traffic police face a new wave of renaming.