The destruction of a gigantic tropical forest certainly had a significant impact in the climate of many regions of the country. The transformation of great parts of its areas in great labirnticos conglomerates of asphalt and concrete created this phenomenon called heat island. Rio De Janeiro and So Paulo are urban spaces where it has excess of antrpicas sources of heat: many automobiles (fsseis fuel burning); emission of different gases generating the effect greenhouse and the reduction of green areas, and still can be distinguished the industries, the concentration of buildings, the waterproofing of the ground, excess of materials that absorb the heat and little ventilation. This leaves the much more hot cities what it provokes a significant disturbance in the air flow. On average the increase of the temperature in these cities has been bigger of what the generality. This increase is not measured by thermometers that register the temperature of air, but yes for the street thermometers that mark 43 or 44 Celsius degrees easily.
This urban phenomenon is responsible for intense and located rains, causing the frightful overflows in the summer (So Paulo) and the collapse of hillsides and mounts (Rio De Janeiro), respiratory problems in the population, dehydration and deaths mainly between the aged ones. Who bush the bush? Many are the factors that impactam and contribute with the degradation of Atlantic Mata. One of them is the advance of the cities without it has a planning and without if it has taken in account the forest remainders, areas of permanent preservation or the forest codes also have the great enterprises as the hydroelectric plants that devastam thousand of hectares of the forest, have the threats comings of the activities of mining, in the South of Santa Catarina, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, that occupy great areas and cause ambient impacts of great sum and cause disappearance of great part of the forest, another important question is the advance of cultivations of exotic trees and the proper agriculture made without planning or order and an indifference of the state governments that do not control the predatory advance of these activities, the period of learning exploration if of threatened species of extinguishing (imbuia, black cinnamon and the araucria) for the production of furniture and the artesanato, the creation of shrimp in manguezais and restingas, substituting the natural ecosystem and limiting the performance of the traditional population that lives of the search of crabs in these same fens, the cut of the vegetation for the production of the coal, in the state of the Piau, where 78.000 hectares of the forest already turned coal and finally, still speaking of impacts, if it cannot leave of speaking that Atlantic Mata not yet is free of the traffic of its animals, that continues being a problem of difficult control and the indiscriminate hunting in some regions.