Posted May 6th, 2012 by Suzy

Democratic management, shared management and participativa management are terms that, even so if do not restrict to the educational field, are part of the fight of educators and organized social movements in defense of a project of public education of social and democratic quality. Although the fights in favor of the democratization of the public education and quality to be part of the claims of diverse segments of the society have some decades, these if had intensified from the decade of l980, resulting in the approval of the beginning of democratic management in the education, in the Federal Constitution. The Federal/1988 Constitution established principles for Brazilian education, amongst them, obligatoriness, gratuitousness, freedom, equality and democratic management, being these regulated through Complementary Laws. While Complementary Law of the education, the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education (LDB n9394/96) establishes and regulates the general lines of direction for the education and its respective systems of education. In fulfilment to art.

214 of the Federal Constitution, it make use on the elaboration of the National Plan of Education PNE (art. 9), protecting principles constitutional e, also, of democratic management. How much to the management democratic, according to Carvalho and Diogo, apud, Fertile valley Resende (l998): This estimates the ample participation of the diversity of segments of the pertaining to school context, in this direction, the Politician-Pedagogical Project, starts to be the only democratic instrument so that the pertaining to school community can organize itself and construct inside of its space, its autonomy, that will be the booster of the decentralization of its action and the reinforcement of democratic and communicative attitudes.

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