In 1996 the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of Educao (LDB) attributes to the education nets the duty to assure resumes, methods, resources and organizations to take care of to the necessities of the educandos. In 2002 Resolution CNE/CP1 defines that superior education has the duty to prepare professors to take care of the pupils with necessities special. The Brazilian language of signals (POUNDS) was recognized as media and expression. Norms for use, education, production and diffusion of braile in classroom are approved understanding all the education modalities. In 2003, the Ministry of Educao (MEC) creates the Program Inclusive Education, with the objective to form professors to act in the dissemination of the Inclusive Education. In 2004 it was reaffirmed by the Ministry Federal public, the right to the escolarizao of pupils with and without deficiency in regular education.
In 2008 the end of the segregation arrives, therefore the National Politics of the Special Education defines that all must study in the common school. That is, right to the education for all of igualitria form. 4.2 – THE SPECIAL EDUCATION IN THE LDB If the education is a right assured for the Federal Constitution to the all the people. It could not be different when one is about the deficiency carriers. Today the society already has a less prejudiced vision and the people have conscience that she is not because a child possesss one definitive deficiency that it total goes to be unproductive for the society. For the opposite, it she can yes, to be operating inside of its limitations. The LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education) dedicates a chapter to deal with the Special Education. CHAPTER V OF the SPECIAL EDUCATION Art. 58. It is understood for special education, for the effect of this Law, modality of pertaining to school education, offered preferential in the regular net of education, for carrying educandos of necessities special.