PKV-Verband resists privately in the media often as wealthy contributors with numerous privileges represented, which is beyond any increases in the fees. Association Chief Volker Leienbach private health insurer that’s not entirely true. For a long time he’s strong scoring Association against further increases in contributions for a total of eight million members. The PKV must occur in a timely manner on reducing our cost base and should not excessively burden the insured. The private insurance Portal reported about the demands of the Association.
Compared to patients privately insured benefit from some advantages. You get doctor appointments faster, need to spend less time in the waiting rooms of the practices and receive the newest drugs without problems. However, this justifies not a cost explosion in the private health insurers. Finally, only 13 percent of the Privatversicherten earn more than the limit of the compulsory insurance. With almost 50 per cent comprise the majority of the privately insured officials. Another 14 percent of total contributions come from independent.
These do not necessarily work as professors or doctors. The remainder are pensioners, students and children. While the customers about possible cost reductions, the medical profession criticised the project of the PKV Association. Discount contracts are signed only with reluctance. Leienbach can understand the opinion of doctors. However, the services will not be charged for arbitrariness. In addition to the Government fee schedule needed greater control, to ensure the quality of services. Also from the side of politics, the Association Chief wants more initiative. The reduction of the three-year rule praised during the election campaign of the coalition was not discussed so far. More information:…/ pkv-kampft… Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH