Political Economy

Posted December 1st, 2011 by Suzy

The main purpose of Marx – the creation of a scientific theory and social research toral process, or, in other words, the development of the science of society as much as possible to the ideal model ka kov at that time was considered a mathematical science. Este stvennonauchnaya theory is based on the assumption that in lichii in the nature of the objective laws governing the tough everything. To create a science of society was necessary to find an area Actually, that would be em piricheskoy base, ie supply "facts" that allow them ma thematic processing, and inductive generalization. Such a universal and at the same time an objective characteristic Coy Marx proposed a human being considered not thinking tion, and labor. For Marx, the key to solving the problem becomes the creator of the idea of classical economics of Adam Smith (1723-1790), who introduced the concept of abstract labor allows, from Was attracted to professional differences, talk about the laws governing sion of labor in general, work per se, just as logic and philosophy have long talked about the laws of thought, ignoring his specific content. That political economy begins to play in March ksizme role empirical base, supplying factual material to build a philosophy of applying for the status of objective science. Marxism formed as a doctrine that includes the theory riyu relationship of economic laws, social institutions Comrade and ways of thinking and the most closely integrated, synchronized with political economy. No accident that the most fundamental philosophical writings of Marx is considered the "Ka fed," in which the development of philosophical ideas actually done "on the material," the analysis of economic relations Nij bourgeois society.

Recognition objective of economic relations assumption presupposes that those life decisions that we freely in takes "at will" in fact, because of unaccounted for us to objective circumstances, can lead and how Government lo, lead to results different from those we had in mind. But this means that the actual results of our mortar determined not so much our subjective Nameh reniyami as those objective trends and legislation dimension, the effect of these actions which we have unwittingly initiate. Thus, Marx concludes that the sequence of events that make up the fabric of human history, skoy, not subject to subjective will of historical figures, and the objective logic of "material production", ie production of the subject environment, compose ing the necessary condition of human existence. This logic, which Marxists after Hegel called the dialectic, must express the most general principles for all, without exception (and the natural, social and valued) processes, which, according to Marx, made by a single universal scheme.

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