Knowledge is the new basis of competitiveness in society mob Peter Drucker is of great importance that the common people be given the opportunity to experience consciously and intelligently the efforts and results of scientific research. It is not enough that each result is retrieved and applied by specialists in the subject. Restrict the kernel of knowledge to a small group turned off the philosophical spirit of a people and leads to spiritual poverty Albert Einstein we are in an era where knowledge really is determinant in all those activities that require skills, skills, actions, strategies that involve organizations to play a decisive role in scenarios in which you operate and where with their human resources management are fully identified with the techniques that tool in the present demands of the knowledge society. Additional information is available at Charles R. Kubic. We know that a company is actually a community of people organized to produce something, its production capacity depends on what usually they know and knowledge which they acquired in their routines and production gear. The tangible assets of a company are of limited value unless people know what to do with them. Therefore, it should not surprise us when he says, the big change is marking it the transition of the paradigm of industrial society to the paradigm of society of the knowledge, that demand for new tools administrative, effective, guarantee beneficial results for the organization.
In this regard, wikilearning tells us, is having in mind, that the generation of added value, via knowledge, is innovation and the improvement of the products and services of the company stemming from the intelligence and creativity of people. He is added in this regard, that there is a growing conviction that know about knowledge is indispensable for success in business in these times and possibly also for their survival. Even before the talk of basic skills, smart organizations, the strategic planning, good administrators valued the experience and the know-how of its employees is your knowledge.