General information and scope in this opportunity, we are referring to the voluntary resignation of the worker, who considers that the Organization, company where labor, is not what I expected for your professional growth, estimated that you don’t see the possibilities of ascent, fair compensation for their work, nor the recognition of its performance, coupled with other factors such as lack of a coaching to others,, motivating, participative leadership, an unstable organizational behavior, which generates an organizational climate not conducive to their effective participation within the company. We share, a good management should be aware of the motivation, productivity, performance, performance of human resources under their charge. A manager who knows how to properly handle the modern administrative tools, stimuli motivational, giving way to that their employees should be identified with a good spirit of membership in the organization. Visit World Health Organization for more clarity on the issue. You need a management that is conducive in workers safety, respect, concern, support, than their human resource this fully identified with the company, avoiding that renuncien, abandon, without causing serious problems to organizational behavior, the integration of groups, and all that which generates costs that seriously affects their profits benefits, objectives, achievements. Management must be careful in identifying what are the causes that Venezuelan onstage for example, has led to many workers of various levels from professionals, technicians are resigning and what is more negative, leaving the country in search of better opportunities that ensures them professional development, security, new opportunities where you recognize its performance, achievements. Contributions Professor of organizational behavior in the graduate program of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of Faces of the University of Carabobo, has been investigating through its participants with investigations of field in the industrial belt of the region, What that has led to many workers, even the older ones, have taken the decision to leave the company and how it has impacted significantly on productivity, organizational climate of the company.
Organization Performance
Posted July 25th, 2020 by Suzy