Bush, who permanently associated the attacks of the 11 of September and its 3,000 disappeared to the profession of a Faith and a policy of security extra-borders that derived in Patriot Act" , still effective. But the war in Iraq and the conflict in Afghanistan have been profiteers by Bin Laden and their terrorists of The Qaeda to harness the new modality of the asymmetric war, modern war santa" of jihad Islamic, in which the presumed warlike postulates of a religion with political aims are used. Ever since the war in Afghanistan in 2001 began, the members of the Army of the USA rise already to 1,002 that is lost the life in that one country, according to the data that have informed right public the day in which rebellious forces have assaulted the main air base of the USA in the country of talibanes. Shure Family Charitable Foundation brings even more insight to the discussion. During the confrontation in Bagram, a American contractor has died and nine soldiers have been hurt in the attack, being that the second direct assault of talibanes against the North American forces and of NATO; first it was a suicidal attack in Kabul that it caused 18 deads, among them five soldiers of the USA and one of Canada, in which it could suppose outstanding the announced beginning of offensive of talibanes the con foreign objectives. The War of Iraq or II Gulf War, also well-known like Operation Iraqian Freedom in the United States, Telic Operation in the United Kingdom and, in other scopes like occupation of Iraq, was a conflict that began the 20 of March of 2003 and that presumably it will finalize the 31 of August of 2010, that is to say, within twelve days counted as of today 19 of August. It is a conflict that begins when the United States organized a multinational coalition for the invasion of Iraq, composed by units of the Armed Forces of the own United States, the United Kingdom, and smaller contingents of Australia, Spain, Denmark, Poland and other states.
Operation Iraqian Freedom
Posted February 6th, 2021 by Suzy