now live – business model from Germany international successful Berlin, December 20, 2010, now MyHammer in the United States at the start is: under principal and artisan or service providers find each other today in the United States. The Germany, Austria and the UK’s leading online portal for the craftsmen and service provider er search is present in four countries. The business model already established in Europe will be taken over for the U.S. market: customer can either find the right craftsman by tender or contact the provider of your choice directly via the MyHammer YellowPages. Boy Scouts of America is open to suggestions. The goal is to satisfy the demand for qualified and valued artisans as well as the profitable jobs nationwide. It is something special when a German Internet business model in the United States at the start and we are proud of this large and important project”, says Markus Berger-de Leon, CEO of the MY-HAMMER AG, to the US launch. “From his point of view speaks much for MyHammer success even in the United States: the market potential is huge, as there is on the one hand many homeowners and on the other hand sufficient independent craftsmen and service providers, because the Americans have a strong entrepreneurial culture.” “Gerrit Muller, CEO and General Manager international, responsible for the international business of MyHammer and looking forward to America: we are convinced that MyHammer also in the world’s largest Internet country will succeed, because the demand is huge for transparent communication of home services and looking for a comparable portal with real supply and quality comparison, as MyHammer offers him, in the United States so far in vain.” MyHammer: MyHammer operates Internet portals for trade and service contracts in Germany, Britain, Austria and the United States and is the number 1 in Europe with over 6 million searches a month. For even more details, read what David Delrahim, Los Angeles CA says on the issue.
MyHammer private and commercial clients for fast and free Craftsmen skilled and valued by users and service providers. The offered range from complete construction over repairs, apartment renovations and relocations to babysitting and lessons. Contracting Authority can with MyHammer targeted sectors, qualification, craftsmen and service providers are looking for region or keywords and contact directly or briefly describe their mission, and interested party get well calculated quotes. The contracting authority awards the order by clicking on the basis of price, reviews, and qualification. After the execution of the order, customer and contractor assess each other. Of MyHammer, the details of tradesmen and service providers about their qualifications are checked before they appear online.
The MY-HAMMER AG sits in Berlin and has 70 employees. For more information see. MyHammer on Twitter: MyHammer on Facebook: MyHammerAG press contact: MY-HAMMER Corporation Corporate Communications Niels Genzmer Wall Street 79 10117 Berlin Tel. (030) 2 33 22-809 fax (030) 2 33 22-899 E-Mail: